Sinan Revell, Pacific Palisades, CA based artist with “DoppelgANGER—Self in Highschool Shootout”, 2005, Inkjet photographic print, 19 x 28 inches in “Deadlocked and Loaded”. I’ve always loved Sinan’s work, “Cindy Shermanist”—each character in her photographs in this series is her. Not only are the images so strong in their impact and message but also a master photographer in the multiple exposures and layout.
Revell says, “Following the events of 9/11, I could no longer ignore the constant media barrage on our minds, senses and desires. From this politicized perspective, I created the series DoppelgANGER. The series of self-portraits aims to express the idea that we cannot ignore our personal responsibility and global connectedness. I selected locations and staged dioramas, often of famous images—not to glamourize or mythologize our alter egos, but to hold a mirror up to our darker sides. Ultimately, we are capable of being both Good and Evil, given the right circumstances. By putting myself into the picture as all the characters, I erase the boundaries of the self.”
And from a friend of mine Michael, (I couldn’t say it better myself): “And let’s ban assault weapons—both automatic and semi-automatic—period. There seems to be some illusion that there is no gun control in this country and that the 2nd Amendment is an absolute right, where if there are limits, it is unconstitutional. There are already lines drawn. You cannot own a ground to air shoulder missile launcher. You cannot own a tank. Nuclear weapons—that would be a “no.” You cannot own hand grenades. You cannot own a Tommy Gun. The machine guns that are mounted in helicopters and which can cover a football field with bullets with one inch spacing in less than 30 seconds? No, you cannot buy one. The list goes on and on. This is not a dangerous constitutional precedent that is at stake. It is common sense. The 2nd Amendment is just a red herring that the Merchants of War put out there. The question is not “can we draw any line?” Lines are already drawn. The question is “where can we reasonably draw a line?” No one needs military assault weapons. No one needs automatic or semi-automatic weapons. I defy you to provide me with one single example in the 12,000 gun deaths last year where a homeowner successfully protected themselves or their family utilizing a military assault weapon. Enough is enough. Let’s stop killing children in the name of freedom. Let’s stop killing children because we do not want to limit “a fun, recreational toy.” It is obscene.”
Sinan Revell’s life and art intersected several different countries and cultures. Originally from China, then Australia, Great Britain and the USA, Sinan incorporated different disciplines and media in her work. In the fine arts, her focus is on photography and painting. In the performing arts, Revell was a core member of 80’s London industrial noise group, “S.P.K”, writing, recording and touring Europe, UK and USA. Butoh pieces include performances at the Pacific-Asia Museum with Diana Wong, Thaksin University (Thailand) & LAArtcore Union Center (Los Angeles).
Revell says “When I moved from Australia to the USA in the 90’s, I observed at first hand the cultural aspects I had seen mainly in American movies-the affluence, the color divide, the violence and the seductive consumerism. In my life experiences as a “woman of color” I have always straddled differing cultures from an outsider’s perspective.”
A graduate from Sydney University (B.A. Psych), Revell later studied at Julian Ashton Art School (Sydney.) Based in Los Angeles, she has had numerous solo and group shows in the last 20 years both nationally (Los Angeles, New York, New Mexico) and internationally (London, Sydney, Kyushu & Kyoto, Japan, Songkla, Thailand). Awards include: Jane Friend Award, Brand Gallery 2009, and High Commendation from The Sculptors Society, Sydney. Honorable Mention: Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles. Sinan is a member of LA Art Association (LAAA), Women’s Caucus for the Arts (WCA) and The Sculptors Society, (TSS).
Learn more at sinanrevell.com and @sinanrevell