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Lorraine Bonner with “Trust is Your Birthright”

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Lorraine Bonner, Oakland based artist, combines her exquisite sculpture with beautifully moving poetry…

“Trust is Your Birthright” by Lorraine Bonner © 2014

I am a woman who studies the perpetrator

with my outer eye, and in my mind.

Like many, I have been his victim, 

my shame as much a part of me as my breath,

hurting less, the more shallow my life.

I believed that my brokenness was my own fault, 

I must have done something wrong,

I kept my feelings to myself, in my head,

I must be wrong

While my heart shattered, leaking grief. 

Do you see yourself in me?

We all break differently, 

few are unbroken. 

We take what action we can against pain too great to bear.

This is my brother. 

He shoots the person he sees in the mirror.

Look beyond the mirror, brother: 

the perpetrator gives everybody guns,

As long as we shoot ourselves 

as long as we shoot each other

As long as we shoot at mirrors.

while the perpetrator comes and takes 

again and again. 

and there is no word large enough 

to cry my loss

Everyday more of the world lives this

and if you think you are safe

You are wrong

Already you have lost much that is irreplaceable

When I had no words, clay found me,

dense as my flesh, knowing no deceit

teaching me there is no difference between myself and the world.

At the center of perpetration a violation of trust

a child’s body desecrated, the earth poisoned

people enslaved, tortured, cast aside,

their wealth and dignity stolen

Something has changed. 

Cycles of trust and caring that sustained our kind for a million years

Have been broken.

There are those that are insatiable,

believing they have a “god-given” right to dominate,

and we are their food.

We seek relief in drugs and screens

we can no longer think

we doubt our sight

we eat our pain

we are entranced and the calm voice tells us:

“Hatred is the natural order,

Despair and hopelessness a normal state.”

Yet who knows how consciousness can shift?

A word awakened me, in a shaft of light

the mirror became a window and I saw the perpetrator

Clay was in my hands, 

my hands knew what to do

they dragged the white, male, head

from my dark female body

and tore his violent tongue from my mind.

I am listening now,

listening for new words, 

new colors, new music

I am listening for you, 

you who were born innocent

Trust is your birthright

You are not to blame for the perpetrator 

feeding on your still-living flesh

You have done nothing to deserve this pain.

Wake up!

Wake from the trance, from the lies

You are holding something in your hands 

clay or paint, poetry, music

your genius for anything mechanical

the way you love, in spite of everything

your courage, your mind

Trust the gift that is in your hands

We are living in the end times of perpetration

Our hands know how to build a new world

Come! We have a universe of trust to explore together.