Lisa Freeman, Athens, GA based artist with “Empty Swing”, 2019, Assemblage, 15 x 11 x 18 inches in “Deadlocked and Loaded”. Lisa Freeman’s sculptural assemblages are filled with exquisite details and meaning/messages. They are so well done and heartbreaking at the same time. She creates these mini-worlds that incorporate found objects, photographs, illustrations and meaningful fragments of cutout text.
Freeman says, “Our American culture has long validated violence. A simmering rage has bled into the psyche of our children, thereby passing this horror on through the generations. An increase in mass shootings have left the populace with the awareness that schools are no longer a safe space. The myth of the little red school house has been blasted away—the indoctrination complete.”
Lisa Freeman is a collector, and Freeman’s art brings to light the “mystery of the forgotten.” By collecting objects, both the familiar and the unusual, and assembling them together, Freeman is asking us to look, to truly look, and, hopefully, to see. Freeman was born in Canada, grew up in the Midwest, and landed in Georgia as a teenager. The constant shifting left her feeling a bit like an outsider cloaked in invisibility. Armed with the powerful resource of observation, Freeman watched and witnessed the human spectacle, taking visual notes and collecting, always collecting, along the way. Lisa Freeman works from her home studio in Athens, Georgia.
Learn more at artbylisafreeman.com and @freeman_lisa