Beth Lakamp, Fenton, MO based artist with “Boys, Birthdays and Guns”, 2021, Ink and oil on panel, 4 x 8 inches in “Deadlocked and Loaded”. Although tiny in size this work is large on impact and gives us a lot to think about. Right now I’m still so angry over yet another young guy committing yet another mass shooting. What is it about boy/men and their guns? It seems like waving one around it the solution to all their problems. Is this really part of the xy chromosome or it part of a learned behavior?
Lakamp says, “The piece Boys, Birthdays and Guns, was inspired from two 1960s photographs of two young boys receiving toy guns as gifts. Realistic toy guns as depicted in the work are mostly a bygone event. However, a large body of evidence supports the belief that the media and video games of today cause similar harm. Our children spend many hours of screen time and it is more difficult to know which seeds of violence were planted, and when. How is it possible that we ever thought it was okay to give our children realistic toy guns? Should we not be asking why is it ok to let our children play realistic and violent video games? This overexposure to violence minimizes the impact and normalizes participation in a behavior that should not be acceptable. It is the duty of parents and guardians to protect the minds and futures of our children.”
Beth Lakamp is an artist residing in St Louis County, Missouri. Her unique style of expressionism in water color or oil is characterized by the use of heavy outlines, bright colors, and layering figures to create a cutout or puzzle effect. Inspiration comes from her vast collection of old photos. Photos prior to the digital age are often the best since there is no editing prior to film developing. Taking this approach in painting works to capture that moment when everyone is off guard and little content is contrived. Subtle humor is sometimes used to contrast serious subjects. Beth’s work continues to exhibit nationally.
Learn more at bettsvando.com and @bettsvando